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[SBS Star] Kim Jae Joong Under Fire for Saying He Tested Positive for COVID-19 as an April Fools' Day Prank

Lee Narin

입력 : 2020.04.01 17:25|수정 : 2020.04.01 17:29

Kim Jae Joong of K-pop boy group JYJ is under fire for saying that he tested positive for COVID-19 as an April Fools' Day prank.

On April 1, Kim Jae Joong delivered shocking news through his Instagram.
Kim Jae JoongIn the post, Kim Jae Joong said, "I'm in the hospital after being tested positive for COVID-19. I miss so many people right now."

He continued, "This happened because I didn't follow the government's advice and guidelines. It was very selfish of me. I feel horrible to think that some may have gotten infected because of me."

He added, "Being in hospital bed makes me think a lot about the past. I feel greatly sorry to everyone and thankful for everything at the same time."
Kim Jae JoongThen about an hour later, Kim Jae Joong deleted this post and uploaded a new post on his Instagram, revealing that his previous post was in fact part of his prank for April Fools' Day.

Kim Jae Joong said, "Perhaps, I may have crossed the line with my joke, but I just wanted to let everybody know that the situation is not a joke; anyone can get the virus."

He went on, "I wanted to emphasize that protecting yourself well is what you can do to protect your loved ones. I'm willing to receive any means of punishment for sharing this post. Stay safe and healthy."
Kim Jae JoongCurrently, a great number people online are criticizing Kim Jae Joong for making an inappropriate joke, considering how many people around the world are suffering from coronavirus outbreak at the moment.

(Credit= 'jj_1986_jj' Instagram)

(SBS Star)   
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