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[SBS Star] iKON SONG Reveals a Big Secret About JU-NE's Underwear

입력 : 2019.04.10 11:10|수정 : 2019.04.10 11:10

K-pop boy group iKON revealed some hilarious stories in relation to their underwear.

On April 9, MBC every1's talk show 'Video Star' aired an episode comprising of funny deleted scenes from the show's past episodes.

In this episode, CHAN and SONG revealed that they write names on their underwear to mark them as theirs.

They claimed, "As we spend a lot of time with each other, we tend to buy our underwear from the same stores. If we don't write our names on them, we would end up wearing each other's underwear."iKONB.I agreed and recalled one moment from the past, "One day when I was wearing my pants a bit low, JAY saw my underwear and asked, 'Wait a second, isn't that mine?' Then, we stood there arguing over whose underwear that was. It turned out the one that I was wearing was in fact JAY's."iKONJU-NE commented, "You guys are so uncool. Why is it an issue to wear whichever underwear available? It really is not an issue for me."

Nevertheless, it seemed like all the other members of iKON did not ever want to wear JU-NE's underwear.

They said, "I don't think anyone here would want to wear JU-NE's underwear. They are very colorful, and..."iKONThen, SONG suddenly burst into laughing and said, "There is something else about JU-NE's underwear."

JU-NE pleaded SONG not to tell the story, and SONG reassured him by saying that he would filter it as much as he could.

SONG said, "JU-NE is quite frugal. So, he still wears the underwear that he started wearing six years ago. He had that since when we were trainees! I felt sad every time when I looked at it. The other day, I just threw it away without telling him. My act was entirely for him."

JU-NE explained, "I washed that underwear every single day. It was originally white, so the color changed over time. It's not like I didn't wash it."iKONMeanwhile, iKON successfully performed at 'SXSW 2019' that took take place on March 13 in Austin, Texas.

(Lee Narin, Credit= MBC every1 Video Star) 

(SBS Star)         
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