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[SBS Star] MMA Officially Defers SEUNGRI's Military Enlistment

입력 : 2019.03.20 13:43|수정 : 2019.03.20 13:44

Military Manpower Administration (MMA) has confirmed the postponement of SEUNGRI's military enlistment.

MMA said on March 20 that it has decided to accept a request by SEUNGRI to delay his enlistment amid ongoing police probe into allegations surrounding him.

SEUNGRI's conscription, which was originally scheduled for March 25, will be postponed by three months.
빅뱅 승리 입영 연기 관련해 답변하는 기찬수 병무청장(사진=연합뉴스)MMA stated, "SEUNGRI has submitted a request to respond to the ongoing investigation, while the authorities also requested for a delay to carry out a thorough, consistent investigation into him."

The administration added, "After the postponement period expires (after three months), there will be a new decision on whether to carry out the enlistment procedure or to delay it based on the conscription law."
승리South Korean conscription law stipulates that a man who is obliged to serve mandatory military service can apply for a delay in case of illness, disaster, a school entrance exam, or other "unavoidable reasons".

SEUNGRI's case was classified as an "unavoidable reason", as the probe extends to suspicions that SEUNGRI arranged sexual escort services to potential investors of his business.
승리Meanwhile, SEUNGRI announced his retirement from the entertainment industry on March 11, and left the group BIGBANG and his management agency YG Entertainment.

(Credit= Yonhap News Agency, Military Manpower Administration)

(SBS Star)  
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