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[SBS Star] SUNMI Gets Hurt by Comments Maliciously Talking About Her Slim Body

입력 : 2018.06.29 15:58|수정 : 2018.06.29 15:58

K-pop artist SUNMI confesses that she has been hurt by seeing comments maliciously talking about her slim body from a variety show.

For the upcoming episode of JTBC4's 'Secret Unnie', the big sisters of the show, including SUNMI, Hyoyeon from Girls' Generation, and actress Han Chae Young gather to have a conversation.

From the encounter, the three reportedly get to talk about their struggles after debut.

Hyoyeon, for instance, says, "I've been on screen as a member of Girls' Generation, but not as Hyoyeon. That's why I found it necessary to learn languages, composing, and producing songs."Secret UnnieHan Chae Young highlights, "You don't get pain and depression because of a particular situation. At one point, they just naturally come."

She adds, "Even if you can overcome struggles, that doesn't mean that the struggles would naturally disappear."Secret UnnieIn response to the two's confession, SUNMI also reveals her feelings about malicious comments.

She noted, "I tend to read all comments, and I've noticed that people severely criticize celebrities."Secret UnnieSUNMI highlights, "I've read a comment saying I look gross because I'm too skinny. Although I'm a celebrity, I'm also a human being and get hurt too. Everyone feels in the same way."Secret UnnieHyoyeon and Han Chae Young nod their heads and agree on SUNMI's comment, saying, "We were used to get hurt by reading malicious comments in the past, but now we're used to getting criticized by people."

The public responded to their confessions, saying, "That's too much!", "Some people overreact, but it's absolutely their fault", "Seems like celebrities have tough lives", and many more.

(Credit= JTBC4 Secret Unnie)

(SBS Star)       
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