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[SBS Star] VIDEO: Lee Jong-suk will Comfort You with His Poems!

입력 : 2017.12.04 19:50|수정 : 2017.12.04 19:51

Korean actor Lee Jong-suk will collaborate with famous Korean poet Na Tae-joo. 

On December 4, YG Entertainment confirmed, "Lee Jong-suk will publish a collection of poems with poet Na Tae-ju. It will be officially released on December 20." 
The two first met in 2013, when Lee Jong-suk read poet's 'Grass Flower' for his character in the past drama 'School 2013'.
[SBS Star] Lee Jong-suk's Collection of Poems to be Released SoonLee Jong-suk revealed the reason behind his decision to work with the poet. He said, "In the past when I read the poem for the drama, I said it without thinking much. But as the time passed, I was comforted by his poems." 

The two has been preparing for the poem since last November, for about 1 year secretly.

Lee Jong-suk added, "I don't want the poem to be just an actor's pictorials. I want people who are in love, who are hurt by break-ups, or who are lonely, to be comforted by the poem." 
[SBS Star] Lee Jong-suk's Collection of Poems to be Released SoonIt was told that the actor's collection of poems 'All Your Fault' (tentatively titled) will contain 16 new poems by poet Na and actor Lee's short stories which will go with the poems chapter by chapter.

Along with the book, there will also be the DVD which actor Lee took part and planned. He will express sentimental side of the poem as well as narration and film-making videos. 

(Credit= SBS funE, 'jongsuk0206' Instagram, 'YG Entertainment' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)     
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