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[SBS Star] Who Flew Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding?

입력 : 2017.11.02 13:22|수정 : 2017.11.02 16:50

[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyA few days ago, the Hallyu couple Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo held a wedding ceremony at The Shilla Hotel, Seoul for its utmost private wedding.

However, the couple had trouble keeping their wedding private as there were multiple Chinese media that are recording live videos and capturing a glimpse of Song-Song couple's wedding venue. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyIt was clearly invading the couple's privacy. 

On November 2, Korea's media and netizens criticized Chinese media for flying drones to capture the Song-Song couple's wedding. Since two hours before their wedding, Multiple Chinese media were already recording the couple's wedding rehearsal as a live show.

In some Chinese media, it even had a narration explaining what's happening at the wedding along with a live video. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyWhen the wedding began, there were two drones at the sight. Although the couple's agencies were taking care of wedding venue's gates for the privacy, Chinese media were able to record Song-Song couple's wedding without any barriers as it just had to fly drones in the sky. 

According to actor Song Joong-ki's management agency, Blossom Entertainment said, "Prior to their wedding, multiple Chinese media asked the couple that they want to record the couple's wedding live. But since the groom and bride wanted to celebrate their wedding privately, they, of course, rejected offers." 

A source revealed earlier, Chinese media even offered them 15 billion won (13,476,600 dollars) to record the couple's wedding but Song-Song couple rejected their offers. Thus, Chinese media sneaked in and filmed their wedding. 

But Blossom Entertainment explained, "Since the couple rejected all of the sponsorship offers without hearing any conditions, there wasn't any price negotiations."

The management agency continued, "We had a feeling that there will be few drones recording the couple's wedding. Even on the day of their wedding, a hotel staff told us that there were some drones flying around. But since we didn't know who flew drones, we weren't able to take any measures." 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyOn that day, there were around 160 million viewers watching the 'live show' of Song-Song couple's wedding. Chinese 'live show' chat rooms had about 5.9 million viewers watching the couple's wedding overseas. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyNot only Chinese media shoot the couple's wedding illegally but also recorded the couple's wedding reception live which was held at 8~9 PM KST. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyDespite Chinese media's illegal uncourteous act, the couple's management agencies willingly distributed 5 photos to the media at 10 PM KST. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyToday, Korea's Capital Defense Command mentioned about the issue, "Chinese media's drones filming Song-Song couple's wedding was clearly illegal." as some parts of the Shilla Hotel are known to be drone prohibited area, it is against the law to even fly the drones. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyThere is also Article 129 of the Aviation Safety Act, if ultra lightweight flying device controller breaks the rule, the individual is subject to a fine up to 2 million won (1,798 dollars). 

Most Seoul metropolitan areas prohibit flying drones in case of terror and invasion of privacy. In the past, North Korea has sent multiple drones to Korea which were founded by military authorities at the time. 
[SBS Star] Chinese Media Secretly Fly Drones at Song-Song Couple's Wedding IllegallyThus it is bringing many people's attention on what types of charges will be pressed against Chinese media―which illegally recorded and aired the couple's wedding without permission. 

Meanwhile, Song-Song couple did not travel to Europe after their wedding, but instead newly-wed actor Song Joong-ki reportedly participated in actor Kim Joo Hyuk's wake at Asan Medical Center in Seoul on November 1.
(Credit= Yonhap News Agency, ifeng, Blossom Entertainment, SBS funE) 

(SBS Star)         
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