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[SBS Star] Yoo Ji Tae and Kim Hyo Jin to Participate in Educational Environment Improvement Project in Africa

입력 : 2017.09.28 15:33|수정 : 2017.09.28 15:33

Korean celebrity couple Yoo Ji Tae and Kim Hyo Jin participated in educational environment improvement project in Africa.

On September 28, international humanitarian organization World Vision revealed that the two has participated in the World Vision's project to improve educational facilities in Niger, West Africa. 

The pair has participated in its 'Dreaming School Project' as honorary ambassadors to build schools for children who have a poor educational environment.
[SBS Star] Yoo Ji Tae and Kim Hyo Jin Participate in Educational Environment Improvement Project in AfricaThey also took part in promoting donation through online channels. Donations will go toward children who are taking classes in wooden huts, with better educational environment by providing new classrooms, bathrooms, clean water facility and school-related materials. 
[SBS Star] Yoo Ji Tae and Kim Hyo Jin Participate in Educational Environment Improvement Project in AfricaThis year marks their fourth year participating in the volunteering project.

World Vision's promotion manager said, "This year marks the fourth year that Yoo-Kim couple has participated in building a school and providing improved educational facilities to children in Africa", and continued, "We hope children can dream and hope at its new elementary school." 

Meanwhile, the pair took part in diverse volunteering projects which include constructing a school in South Sudan in Africa, donating all of their wedding congratulatory money to build Myanmar's elementary school, and visiting the school in Myanmar in commemorating their first year wedding anniversary.  

(Credit = SBS funE) 

(SBS Star)  
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