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Popular YouTuber ChimChakMan Donates 10 Million Won to Support Young Caregivers

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

YouTuber ChimChakMan (41, Lee Byung-gun) has generously donated funds to support young individuals who are steadfastly caring for their sick family members.

On the 21st, Babo Nanum (Chairman Bishop Koo Yobi) announced that creator ChimChakMan donated 10 million won to commemorate the first anniversary of his character "Normandy Doggypal Kronx."

The donation from ChimChakMan will be used to support young caregivers who are responsible for both caring for their sick family members and managing their household's livelihood. A ceremony was held on the 19th at ChimChakMan's YouTube studio, attended by ChimChakMan and the foundation's executive director, Father Kim In-kwon.

Father Kim In-kwon expressed his gratitude, stating, "The issue of young caregivers is a significant social concern that requires more attention. We hope that ChimChakMan's interest and donation will inspire many others to take notice and participate."

ChimChakMan has a history of consistent charitable contributions. In February 2023, he donated 15 million won for earthquake recovery in Türkiye, 10 million won for flood recovery in July, and 15 million won to support young adults preparing for independence through Happy Bean, totaling 40 million won in donations for the year 2023. 

(SBS Entertainment News | Kang Kyung-youn)

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