SBS Star

'Lee Chan-won's Concert Film: Dear My Chance' Surpasses 50,000 Viewers Nationwide

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

The concert film 'Lee Chan-won's Concert: Dear My Chance' has surpassed 50,000 viewers nationwide.

According to the Korean Film Council's integrated computer network for movie tickets on the 17th, 'Lee Chan-won's Concert: Dear My Chance' exceeded a cumulative audience of 50,000 as of the 16th.

'Lee Chan-won's Concert: Dear My Chance' is the first concert film that captures the artist Lee Chan-won's passionate performances and life stories, winning over audiences with his energetic and emotionally rich voice.

In particular, a special screening event commemorating Lee Chan-won's 5th debut anniversary concluded successfully, offering unforgettable moments to many fans who visited the theaters. The 'One and Only Love' sing-along screening on March 14 (Friday) and the encore 'Lotto Bong' sing-along screenings from March 15 (Saturday) to 16 (Sunday) at CGV received an explosive response from fans.

Throughout the theaters, audiences sang along, reliving the emotions felt during the live performances, filling the venues with enthusiastic singing and cheers, creating yet another special memory.

'Lee Chan-won's Concert: Dear My Chance' is currently being screened at CGV theaters nationwide. 

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(SBS Entertainment News | Kim Ji-hye)

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