SBS Star

2AM Lee Chang Min & ONEUS KEON HEE to Step in as Special Hosts for 'Fun Fun 2day'

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Lee Chang Min from 2AM and KEON HEE from ONEUS are set to take on the role of special hosts for SBS POWER FM's (107.7MHz) 'Fun Fun 2day' while the regular host, Lee In-kwon, is on vacation.

Starting on March 18, Lee Chang Min and KEON HEE will fill in for Lee In-kwon on 'Fun Fun 2day.' Lee Chang Min will take the mic from the 18th (Tuesday) to the 23rd (Sunday), showcasing his witty remarks and smooth hosting skills. Following him, KEON HEE will take over from the 24th (Monday) to the 25th (Tuesday), bringing his own charm to the hosting role.

Lee Chang Min, known for his emotional vocals and outstanding singing ability, has previously hosted KBS Radio's 'Chang Min's Music Plaza,' where he honed his hosting skills. His adept hosting, filled with engaging stories and interaction with listeners, has fans eagerly anticipating his return as a radio host. 

KEON HEE, who also served as a special host for 'Fun Fun 2day' last July, received praise for his lively energy and great hosting. This time, he is expected to bring even more enjoyment to the show's listeners.

You can catch Lee Chang Min and KEON HEE as special hosts on SBS POWER FM's 'Fun Fun 2day' every morning from 5 to 7 AM on 107.7MHz or via the SBS Gorilla app.

Reporter Kang Sun-ae 

(SBS Entertainment News | Kang Sun-ae)

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