SBS Star

Rock Band Rolling Quartz Completes European Tour Across 11 Countries...Doubling in Scale → Global Expansion

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

[SBS Entertainment News | Kang Kyung-youn] The all-female rock band Rolling Quartz has successfully wrapped up their European tour, "Stand Up 2025."

The "Stand Up EU Tour 2025" kicked off on January 17 in London, UK, and included stops in Amsterdam, Netherlands; Cologne and Munich, Germany; Paris and Lyon, France; Barcelona, Spain; Milan, Italy; Warsaw, Poland; Helsinki, Finland; Oslo, Norway; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Stockholm, Sweden, covering a total of 11 countries and 13 cities.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Previously, Rolling Quartz successfully completed a tour in 2024 that spanned 5 countries and 6 cities, and this year's tour has more than doubled in scale, solidifying their status as a leading global band representing South Korea.

Following their successful European tour, Rolling Quartz is set to participate in the "EMERGE FEST 2025" festival in Taichung, Taiwan, on February 23, and they will embark on their "Stand Up North America Tour 2025," covering 34 cities across the United States and Canada from March 30 to May 23.

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[SBS Entertainment News | Kang Kyung-youn]

(SBS Star)

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