SBS Star

'Kidney Transplant Surgery' Lee Soo-geun's Wife Expresses Health Concerns While Preparing Husband's Birthday Meal

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Comedian Lee Soo-geun (50)'s wife, Park Ji-yeon (38), recently shared her daily life, revealing her growing health concerns, which has left many feeling sympathetic.

On the 10th, Park Ji-yeon posted a photo of the birthday meal she prepared for her husband on her social media account. In contrast to Lee Soo-geun's bright smile in the picture, she wrote, "Lately, I've been having dark thoughts about how long I can keep celebrating like this without becoming a burden."

She continued, "With my swelling blood vessels and an enlarging heart, things are getting tougher, but I’m grateful for getting through today’s dialysis. I’ll keep making seaweed soup for you until my health runs out. Happy birthday, my love. It’s ironic that on a joyful day, I feel even sadder."

Park Ji-yeon underwent a kidney transplant from her father in 2010 and has been on dialysis for about six years. She married Lee Soo-geun in 2008 and has two sons. During her second pregnancy, she suffered from pregnancy-induced hypertension, which led to her kidney issues and ongoing health struggles.

[SBS Entertainment News | Kang Kyung-youn]

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