SBS Star

[SBS Star] Ahn Se-ha Denies School Bullying Accusations; Many Alumni Step Up for the Claimed Victim

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Following the recent accusation of school bullying involving actor Ahn Se-ha, former students of the school have come forward to support the individual claiming to be the victim.

On September 9, a post titled 'Exposing a celebrity's school bullying; actor Ahn Se-ha (real name Ahn Jae-wook)' garnered significant attention online.

The writer, Z, claimed to have attended Namsan Middle School in Changwon City, Gyeongsangnam-do with Ahn Se-ha.

Z also claimed that Ahn Se-ha bullied him at school with a group of other students.

"During our third year at school, Ahn Se-ha took me to a room where five or six members of his friend group were waiting. Ahn Se-ha picked up a big piece of glass and started threatening me, poking me in the stomach. He forced me to fight with one of them.", Z wrote.

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According to Z, the bullying continued until a teacher became aware of the situation and intervened.

"I'll never forget how Ahn Se-ha threatened me with a piece of glass and how he humiliated me by forcing me to fight one of them.", Z added.

Z also posted Ahn Se-ha's photos in the school graduation album.

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Sometimes later, individuals identifying as Z's alumni began to voice their support for Z in the comments section.

One of them, Y, said, "I was a classmate of writer Z. Although we weren't close, I remember who Z was. Everything Z wrote is true."

Noting that Ahn Se-ha had been famously a bully in the school, Y said he/she was aware of the incident that Z wrote; "I knew Z was bullied, but I didn't do anything because I was scared for my safety. I felt awful about it.", Y remarked.

"I was a bystander 25 years ago, and I always felt ashamed about my inaction.", Y added, promising to provide testimony for writer Z if there is a legal dispute with Ahn Se-ha's agency.

Another individual, X, wrote, "I thought about staying quiet, but the bravery of some people from our school inspired me to write this. Ahn Se-ha was in the group of bullies, and they had connections with other bullies in the neighborhood."

X also gave specific details about their school, including the color and style of the school uniforms, to support his claims.

In addition to X and Y, remarks from alleged alumni have piled up in the comment section of Z's post, making the allegations about Ahn Se-ha's involvement in school bullying stronger.

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On September 10, Ahn Se-ha's agency, HUNUS Entertainment, denied Ahn Se-ha's school bullying allegation, stating that recent online accusations are false.

"We've been working with him for over a decade. Ahn Se-ha is a great actor and a fellow human being. This allegation has caused significant emotional distress for him."

"We submitted a petition to the cyber investigation unit regarding the false accusations. We are pursuing defamation charges in response to spreading false information.", the agency announced.

Ahn Se-ha debuted in the 2011 play 'New Boing Boing' and has since appeared in numerous films and television series.

His notable works include KBS' TV series 'Love in the Moonlight' and JTBC's TV series 'King the Land'.

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(Credit= Online Community, HUNUS Entertainment, 'seha___ahn' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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