SBS Star

[SBS Star] Ok Joo-hyun Shares that All Fin.K.L Members Had Secret Boyfriends

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Ok Joo-hyun, a member of the '90s-'00s K-pop superstar girl group Fin.K.L, revealed that all the members had secret boyfriends.

On September 8 episode of TV CHOSUN's television show "Huh Young Man's Food Travel," Huh Young Man met Ok Joo-hyun. 

On this day, Huh Young Man and Ok Joo-hyun visited Yongin-si to check out a famous sundae (blood sausage) spot in the city.

As soon as they sat down at the sundae restaurant, Ok Joo-hyun busily set the table, prompting Huh Young Man to ask, "Are you usually the one who sets the table?" Ok Joo-hyun replied, "Yeah, I do."

She explained, "My mom taught me kitchen work when I was young—she started teaching me really early."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When Huh Young Man asked, "It seems like you cook a bit at home as well," Ok Joo-hyun said, "I enjoy it. I think I'm pretty good at it." 

She then added, "In May, Patti Kim came over to my place. She mentioned she liked fish dishes, so I cooked a French-style meal. She kept praising it while she ate and said she didn't expect to eat so much that day."

Huh Young Man commented, "Oh, really? I'd love to try your dishes too," and Ok Joo-hyun replied with a smile, "Come film 'Food Travel' at my house!"

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the meal, Huh Young Man mentioned the popularity of Fin.K.L back in the day, "Even someone like me knows Fin.K.L, which means you guys were huge. I don't know many K-pop groups." 

Ok Joo-hyun shared, "If I'm being honest with you, I didn't really get to sense how popular we were back then. All I felt was extreme tiredness. I was young, so I didn't think deeply about appreciating the work."

Then, Huh Young Man said, "There were four of you, and I'm sure one of you were in a relationship at some point when you were still active as a group." 

Laughing, Ok Joo-hyun said, "Actually, we all had boyfriends and went on secret dates. I've heard that even now, some junior groups have their phones taken away, but things were much stricter back then. Phones were strictly prohibited."

She added with a chuckle, "K-pop idols would usually hide their phones, but if the agency staff caught them, that was the end of it. For us in Fin.K.L, though, we would get a new phone again."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= TV CHOSUN Huh Young Man's Food Travel, DSP Media) 

(SBS Star)

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