SBS Star

[SBS Star] Ji Jin Hee Says He Lives on a Tiny Allowance from His Wife Who Holds the Purse Strings

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Ji Jin Hee opened up about how he met his wife and their married life.

On September 8, Ji Jin Hee guested on SBS' television show 'My Little Old Boy'.

"Ji Jin Hee is an incredibly loving husband. He said that every day throughout their twenty-year marriage, there was not a single moment he hadn't found his wife beautiful.", the host, comedian Shin Dong-yeob commented.

"I thought I was a loving husband myself, but he was on a different level.", he expressed.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Another host, entertainer Seo Jang Hoon, asked Ji Jin Hee how he met his wife, whom he married during his peak of fame.

"I used to work as an assistant to a photographer. One day, my wife, a student at a college back then, visited the studio I worked in to take pictures of her work. The second she came walking down the stairs, I wanted to ask her out.", Ji Jin Hee said.

"We exchanged phone numbers, but I waited for her to reach out first. I knew I had feelings for her, but I wasn't sure how she felt about me."

"A week later, she called me. Her first words were, 'Why haven't you called?'.", Ji Jin Hee remarked, reflecting on that unforgettable beginning of their love.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the show, Ji Jin Hee revealed something surprising.

The actor said he gave his wife control over money after they got married; he lived on the money his wife gave him every week, which was only fifty thousand won (around 37.3 dollars).

"I asked my wife why she was giving me fifty thousand won. She told me it was ten thousand won (around 7.5 dollars) each day for lunch and dinner, excluding weekends when I eat at home.", Ji Jin Hee remarked.

"Once, I was upset about how tight the money was and asked her to give me more money. She decided to give me seventy thousand won (around 52.2 dollars) weekly, but I wanted at least five percent of my earnings."

"Knowing that I needed to aim higher to get that, I asked for 20 percent at first and successfully settled for five percent. Now I'm quite happy.", Ji Jin Hee said, beaming with pride.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

"I bet your wife doesn't know about the re-run fees, huh?", Shin Dong-yeob teasingly asked.

"How can you ruin it for me? I've been relying on that income.", Ji Jin Hee quipped, making everyone laugh.

"My wife always points out when I do something wrong. It makes me reflect on myself and helps me find the right path.", the actor said.

He sweetly added, "I'm always grateful to you, Soo-yeon (his wife's name)."

Meanwhile, Ji Jin Hee married his non-celebrity girlfriend in 2004 and had two sons.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= SBS My Little Old Boy)

(SBS Star)

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