SBS Star

[SBS Star] "He Hasn't Changed" Model-Turned-Actor Jung Eu-gene Recalls Byeon Woo-seok's Modeling Days

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Jung Eu-gene talked about what actor Byeon Woo-seok was like in the past when they were both models in the same agency.

Jung Eu-gene guested on the August 16 episode of TV personality Baik Ji Yeon's YouTube show.

In their conversation, Jung Eu-gene revealed she received a casting offer at 15 and started her modeling career; she also said modeling careers often end very early: in a person's mid-twenties.

She then revealed that after retiring from the runway, models often transition into different fields, such as stage management or teaching modeling.

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Baik Ji Yeon asked, "Some models have successfully transitioned their careers into acting like you, right?"

Jung Eu-gene responded, "When I was a model, my agency was YG KPLUS. Nam Joo Hyuk, Jang Ki-yong, and Byeon Woo-seok are the now-actors who were once my colleagues there."

When the host asked Jung Eu-gene if she and Byeon Woo-seok worked as models during the same period, the actress replied, "Not exactly, but he was my hoobae. We now contact each other from time to time. I'm happy that he achieved a huge success."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Jung Eu-gene mentioned that Byeon Woo-seok wanted to be an actor when he was a model.

When the host suggested that Byeon Woo-seok may have felt envious when she started acting before him, Jung Eu-gene said his response to her debut touched her deeply.

"When I made my acting debut, I heard that he told our mutual acquaintances, 'I'm thrilled to see a hard-working person like her succeed.'. I was so thankful when I heard that.", she commented.

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"Woo-seok is such a nice person. He has a beautiful, kind heart. Knowing he was rooting for me, I reached out to him too when he rose to fame. I told him that I'm happy for him."

Remembering what Byeon Woo-seok was like in the past, Jung Eu-gene said, "He was playful and bright. And it seems like he hasn't changed."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, Jung Eu-gene has been in TV CHOSUN's ongoing drama 'DNA Lover'.

(Credit= '지금백지연' YouTube)

(SBS Star)

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