SBS Star

[SBS Star] SOMI Reveals the Quickest Breakup of Her Life: 2.5 Hours

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist SOMI shares how she ended her relationship in just two and a half hours. 

On August 13, an interesting video of SOMI was released online. 

In the video, SOMI is seen chatting with five elementary school students. 

The kids were previously told by the production crew that they would be talking to an adult about love that day.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Upon sitting down, SOMI introduced herself to them as an unnie/noona who sang "DUMB DUMB" and "Fast Forward," making the kids excitedly go, "Yes, yes! We know! This is so cool!" 

Then, SOMI told them, "I want to ask for your advice on something. I've been thinking about when might be the right time for me to start dating. I'm 23, and I'm unsure about when it would be best for me to start a relationship. What do you think, guys?" 

In response, one student asked SOMI if she had ever had any experiences of having a crush or similar feelings.

SOMI responded, "I actually have some interesting stories," and mentioned, "If I'm being honest with you, quite a lot of boys used to tell me that they like me. It was during my school days, and it occurred throughout different grade levels." 

K-pop star continued, "So, back in the day, I was part of the Taekwondo club. There was a male team leader who was not only good-looking but also really skilled at Taekwondo. He was also really loved to joke about. We used to joke around together all the time." 

She added, "One day, he told me he liked me and asked if I would be his girlfriend. Since I liked him too, I said yes. But then I got really confused, thinking, 'Do I have to start acting all sweet now that we're dating? How should I behave around him from now on?' In the end, I ended the relationship. It was just two and a half hours after we started dating," then laughed. 

(Credit= 'odg' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

SBS Star
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