SBS Star

[SBS Star] Lee Da-hae Complains About SE7EN Not Doing Housework Before Asking Him to Do It

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Lee Da-hae expressed her frustration with her husband, SE7EN's lack of housework before eventually instructing him to start doing it.

On August 7 episode of Channel A's television show "Sinrang Class," Lee Da-hae and SE7EN were seen inviting singer Lee Seung-chul, entertainers Shim Jin-hwa, and Moon Se Yoon over to their house for a small house party. 

While SE7EN was grilling steaks in the kitchen, the three guests asked Lee Da-hae if she had any complaints about their marriage.

After thinking for a bit, she complained, "When I used to call him, he would respond and come to me immediately, but he doesn't even answer these days."

Sighing, the actress continued, "When I asked him why he didn't respond, he'd always say something like, 'I was washing my face. I did answer. You just didn't hear it.'"

Lee Da-hae also had another complaint. Looking around to make sure SE7EN was not present, she revealed, "He does very little housework; in fact, he doesn't do any of it. No cleaning at all."

When asked if SE7EN would do tasks if asked, Lee Da-hae replied, "Yeah, those are the only times he does it. He does do what he's told," chuckling, she added, "But I mean, I guess at least he cooks and does the dishes without me having to ask."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Later, when SE7EN returned after grilling the steak and sat down for the meal, he was asked if there was anything he wanted to say about his wife while watching her on "Sinrang Class." 

Immediately, he said, "I clearly remember this one time when she told the other hosts about me farting in front of her. She said, 'I still make sure to hide my farts, but SE7EN doesn't.'"

He continued, "That's not true. If I ever did fart, it was an accident. I mean, we've been together for like 10 years, so I might have accidentally done it once or twice, but I still keep my farts hidden, just like she does."

In response, Lee Da-hae laughed and apologized, "Oh, my baby. I'm so sorry," while affectionately patting SE7EN's face.

Observing this, Lee Seung-chul commented, "She's basically telling you to be quiet," accurately reading the intent behind Lee Da-hae's gesture and drawing laughs from everyone.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= Channel A Sinrang Class, 'se7enofficial' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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