SBS Star

[SBS Star] "I Worked There Recently" Park Bo Young Shares How Nobody Recognized Her at a Restaurant

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Park Bo Young shared that nobody recognized her while she was working at a restaurant.

On August 6, an interview with Park Bo Young was uploaded online by a fashion magazine. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

In the interview, the actress talked about what she has been up to lately, saying, "I've actually been working at my brother-in-law's restaurant. He used to own a cafe where I worked whenever I had time, but it has since closed. He opened a new business now."

Park Bo Young continued, "Recently, some customers around my parents' age came in and told me I looked like a college student. So, I gave them a free dessert," she laughed.

She then added, "I told them that I wasn't young, that I'm actually over 30 years old, but they didn't believe me. They were like, 'You're lying!' I thought it might be because I was wearing a mask, so I took it off to show them my face and said, 'No, really. I'm not that young.' But they still didn't recognize me."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Previously, Park Bo Young mentioned that when she worked at her brother-in-law's cafe, "A lot of customers said I reminded them of Park Bo Young. I was wearing a mask, so they didn't realize it was really me."

She continued, "I started out as a cashier, but customers would almost recognize me when I spoke. Later on, I mostly spent my time washing cups and doing other tasks."

Born in February 1990, 34-year-old Park Bo Young made her debut with EBS' drama "Secret Campus" in 2006. 

(Credit= 'VOGUE KOREA' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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