SBS Star

[SBS Star] Ko So-young Says Jang Dong-geon's Looks Do Not Make Her Less Angry When They Fight

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Ko So-young shared what it feels like waking up every day next to her husband, Jang Dong-geon, who is referred to as one of the most attractive male actors in Korea.

On June 9, entertainer Keem Na-young posted a new episode of her YouTube show featuring Ko So-young as a guest.

During the episode, Keem Na-young asked the actress questions from fans: "The most popular question for you was, 'When you fight with your husband, does your anger disappear because of how handsome he is?'."

"People ask me things like that really often. 'What it's like to wake up next to Jang Dong-geon?', they asked, and it's so...", Ko So-young said and kept a meaningful silence, causing Keem Na-young to bust into laughter.

"The good looks of your partner don't keep dazzling you after getting married. When we argue, it's no different from anyone else. His attractive appearance does not make me less angry. In fact, it's even more annoying when your husband is gorgeous and doesn't listen to you.", she remarked with a chuckle.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When Keem Na-young asked Ko So Young if she ever gets angry at her children when they act up, the actress replied, "Can't even tell you how many times a day I get angry at them."

She added, "But I agree with those who believe that children are not to blame; it's always the parents who are responsible for their upbringing."

"You know, as a mother, I find myself constantly giving the same lectures to my children for the same thing they do. I've been repeating the same lines for 15 years.", Ko So-young said, "My kids always ask, 'Mom, could you just talk without getting so upset?'. And I automatically reply, 'I'm not upset, I'm just talking here!'."

"I think people who advocate for raising a child without scolding them are those who never had a child.", the actress said, adding that caring for her two children causes dark circles under her eyes.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the episode, Keem Na-young brought up some questions from fans praising the timeless beauty of the 51-year-old actress.

"Many have left questions like, 'What's the secret to your beauty?', 'How can you stay that beautiful?', 'Until when are you going to be that beautiful?'."

Ko So-young playfully responded, "Forever, I guess?", and laughed with the host.

Meanwhile, Ko So-young tied the knot with Jang Dong-geon in May 2010.

The couple welcomed their son in October 2010 and their daughter in February 2014.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= '김나영의 nofilterTV' YouTube, 'kosoyoung_official' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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