SBS Star

[SBS Star] Jeong Ye In Talks About Witnessing K-Pop Stars Exchanging Notes at 'Idol Championships'

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Disbanded K-pop girl group Lovelyz's member Jeong Ye In stated that she witnessed K-pop stars secretly exchanging notes at "Idol Star Athletics Championships."

On June 6, Jeong Ye In joined entertainer Tak Jae Hoon's YouTube show as a guest.

During the episode, Tak Jae Hoon asked Jeong Ye In about the atmosphere on MBC's past television show "Idol Star Athletics Championships."

He inquired, "Some K-pop stars say there's a lot of secret flirting and eye contact exchanged during the filming of the show. Is that true?"

Jeong Ye In responded with a sad expression, "Unfortunately, I've never experienced that myself. No one flirted with me during the shooting. I'm pretty sad about that, actually."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Tak Jae Hoon then asked, "What about the other members of your group? Have they experienced it?"

Jeong Ye In laughed and replied, "I'm not sure. We never really talked about those things, so I don't know. But I have seen some K-pop stars exchanging notes while filming."

She added with a chuckle, "We, Lovelyz members, used to always say, 'Let's not date at all.' But now, we're all like, 'We need to meet good guys and get married soon.' I haven't found a nice guy yet though."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When Tak Jae Hoon asked about her type, Jeong Ye In explained, "Someone who's funny, has a good sense of humor that matches mine, is broad-minded, and very stable."

She then emphasized, "Looks aren't important to me," while glancing at the sub-host Shin Kyu-jin.

Shin Kyu-jin immediately complained, "Hey, why did you look at me while you said that?!" making Jeong Ye In and Tak Jae Hoon burst out laughing. 

(Credit= '노빠꾸탁재훈' YouTube, MBC Idol Star Athletics Championships) 

(SBS Star)

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