SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Crush Unintentionally Recreates His Heavy Rain Meme at a University Festival

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer Crush unintentionally recreated his iconic heavy rain performance meme at a recent university festival. 

In the afternoon of May 26, Crush performed at Yonsei University's music festival. 

The rain had been light at first, but as soon as Crush stepped onto the stage to perform, it began pouring heavily.

Seeing the rain suddenly pouring down, Crush looked up at the sky, looking confused.

Jeon Hyun Moo, who was hosting the festival, added with a laugh, "Seob (Crush's real name = Shin Hyo-seob) must have really angered the rain gods. The clear sky suddenly turned cloudy. How could this possibly happen to him so often?"

Crush chuckled, then went on to perform under the heavy rain. 

The audience, despite getting soaked, cheered enthusiastically, adding to the unforgettable atmosphere of the event.

Following the festival, Crush took to Instagram to express his gratitude to the audience who came to see him.

He also wrote, "I performed in place of ZICO today, and the heavy rain reminded me of eight years ago."

Along with this caption, he shared a photo of himself singing in the rain at Yonsei University's music festival, as well as his infamous heavy rain performance from 2016.

Back then, the combination of Crush struggling to keep his eyes open in the downpour and the lyrics "Why do I feel like crying today?" brought laughter to many, turning it into a famous meme.

He unintentionally reenacted the meme once more, amusing everyone all over again.

Fans are currently flooding social media with comments and memes, celebrating the unexpected throwback and Crush's good-humored response to the situation.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= Online Community, KBS) 

(SBS Star)

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