SBS Star

[SBS Star] Kwon Eun Bi Tells Why She Covered All the Expenses for Her Older Brother's Wedding Ceremony

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist Kwon Eun Bi said she covered the entire expense of her older brother's wedding ceremony and shared the touching reason behind her gesture.

On April 26, entertainer Jung Hyung Don posted a new episode of his YouTube show featuring Kwon Eun Bi as a guest.

Jung Hyung Don mentioned Kwon Eun Bi's rise to fame after performing in her bikini top at 'WATER BOMB SEOUL 2023', a festival, and asked the singer if she had noticed any differences in her career or personal life since then.

"Everything has been changed completely. I gained so much popularity after that. I guess you never know what lies ahead.", remarked Kwon Eun Bi.

However, the singer admitted that the recent attention on her is focused on her appearance, confessing that she has been feeling stressed about it.

"I felt the need to shift the spotlight onto my performance rather than my appearance or body. And the thought has been weighing on me quite heavily", Kwon Eun Bi said.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the show, Kwon Eun Bi shared that she used to work part-time at an internet café on weekends in secret during her trainee days and revealed why.

"I was 24 years old at that time and I was dependent on my parents for financial support until then. I worked part-time to at least pay for my food by myself. I felt awful about getting my parents' financial support until that age.", the singer commented.

In an industry where 15-year-olds debut, Kwon Eun Bi said she felt stressed about being a trainee at 24; "I was going to quit when I become 25. But I thankfully made my debut before that."

The singer then revealed how her parents have been responding to their daughter's success; "They are thrilled. They were strongly against me pursuing this career in the past, but now they couldn't be happier.", she said with a smile.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the show, Kwon Eun Bi talked about her older brother, who is just one year older than her.

When Jung Hyung Don asked the singer what made her pay for her brother's wedding ceremony, she explained that she had a reason.

"He supported me a lot during my high school days and also during my trainee days. Once, I needed money to commission choreographies because I was auditioning for the dance department in arts high schools. My brother, who was only a high school student, worked part-time and helped with the payment.", she recalled.

"It was so touching. I thought to myself, 'I'll achieve success and support my brother in pursuing whatever he wants to do.'.", Kwon Eun Bi said, adding she wanted to repay his kindness.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= '정형돈의 제목없음TV' YouTube)

(SBS Star)

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