SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: CHUNG HA Thanks Jay Park for Hiring All Her Staff from Her Previous Agency

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer CHUNG HA expressed her appreciation to her agency CEO Jay Park for hiring all her staff from the previous agency when she moved to his company last year. 

On March 18, CHUNG HA featured in singer-songwriter group Cho Hyun-ah's YouTube show "Thursday Night with Cho Hyun-ah." 

During the two stars' conversation, CHUNG HA spoke about her current agency More Vision, led by Jay Park. 

The singer said, "Jay Park employed all the people I had been working with for a long time, from my previous agency, so I didn't have much difficulty adapting to the new one. I feel really grateful to him for that." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

She then expressed her great satisfaction with More Vision, "The CEO, directors and team leaders take such good care of me."

In particular, CHUNG HA stated, "There was a recent moment when I almost cried." 

She shared a story afterward, saying, "One of the directors recently sent me a text asking, 'CHUNG HA, what do you think about doing this?' I replied, 'I feel a bit pressured to do that for these reasons. I would be happy to do it in the future, when I have enough time to prepare for it. I think that would work better for me.' He/she responded, "Okay, thank you for sharing that with me. I'll make sure that everything goes that way.'" 

"I was just walking then, but I couldn't help but cry. I felt so thankful. The director probably doesn't even know how much his/her text moved me. I rely a lot on my hair and makeup stylists, manager and dancers. I don't think I could have come this far without them," she added, shedding tears.

Back in October 2023, CHUNG HA joined Jay Park's More Vision; she was with her debut agency MNH Entertainment until April 2023. 

(Credit= '조현아의 목요일 밤' YouTube, 'moresojuplease' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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