SBS Star

[SBS Star] 'Newlywed' Shim Hyung-tak ♥ Hirai Saya Speak About Their Recent Intense Fight

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Shim Hyung-tak and his Japanese wife Hirai Saya spoke about the fight they recently had. 

On February 28 episode of Channel A's television show 'Sinrang Class,' singer Kangnam was seen visiting Shim Hyung-tak and Hirai Saya's home. 

While the three talked together, Kangnam asked Shim Hyung-tak who usually wins in a fight between him and Hirai Saya. 

He replied, "It's my wife for sure," then reminisced about their recent fight that got intense. 

"Recently, we had some communication issues. We were in a car at that time, and I got out first. Saya didn't say anything, so I went up to our home. I thought she would join me soon, and started thinking of ways to brighten up her mood again. But she wasn't coming home even after a long while." 

"I was like, 'Okay, let's see how far she's going to take this.' I waited for about two hours! I ended up going down to see what was going on. When I got down though, our car was gone. She didn't answer my calls as well. I began to worry. After returning home, I opened a bottle of soju and drank it to calm my panicked-self down." 

"It was around 12 in the morning she finally picked up my call. When I asked where she was, she told me, 'I'm in Yangyang.' Yangyang?! I was confused. I asked, 'How did you get yourself there?' and she responded, 'Well, you gave me the keys to your car!" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Chukling, Hirai Saya explained to Kangnam that she felt so frustrated that she just really wanted to feel the ocean. 

Then, Shim Hyung-tak stated, "On her way back from Yangyang, she messaged me, saying, 'Let's have some hangover soup together when I get back.' She made the first move to mend things." 

He added, "Disagreements always stem from the smallest issues," and Hirai Saya nodded in agreement.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Shim Hyung-tak and Hirai Saya married each other last July after being together for four years; they held two wedding ceremonies―one in Korea and another one in Japan. 

(Credit= Channel A Sinrang Class) 

(SBS Star)

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