SBS Star

[SBS Star] "She'll Be Acting in English in the Series" Kim Tae-hee to Make Her Hollywood Debut

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Kim Tae-hee is broadening her acting career by venturing into Hollywood. 

On January 30, Kim Tae-hee's agency Story J Company shared news regarding the actress. 

They said, "Kim Tae-hee will be joining the upcoming Amazon Prime Video series 'Butterfly', making her Hollywood debut." 

Kim Tae-hee's role in 'Butterfly' has not been revealed in much detail yet, but she will be taking on one of the major roles. 

According to her agency, Kim Tae-hee, who possesses fluent English skills, will showcase her English acting through 'Butterfly.' 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Based on a graphic novel of the same name, 'Butterfly' is a 6-episode spy thriller series produced and lead by Korean-American actor Daniel Dae Kim. 

'Butterfly' revolves around David Jung (Daniel Dae Kim), a mysterious and highly unpredictable ex-US intelligence operative residing in Korea. 

His life takes a drastic turn when the repercussions of a challenging decision from his past resurface, leading him to be hunted by Rebecca (Japanese-American actress Reina Hardesty), a deadly and sociopathic young agent tasked with eliminating him.

Given that some events in the series take place in Korea, parts of shooting of the series will be done in Korea. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Along with Kim Tae-hee, actor Park Hae Soo, who is widely known for his role in globally-successful Netflix series 'Squid Game' (2021) as 'Cho Sang-woo' will also feature in 'Butterfly'. 

He actually recently expanded his reach by signing with United Talent Agency―one of the biggest agencies in the United States. 

It is said that his part in 'Butterfly' will be more of a brief cameo. 

Fans around the world are already buzzing with excitement to catch their Hollywood debut series.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= Story J Company, BH Entertainment) 

(SBS Star)

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