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[SBS Star] Park Seo Jun·Choi Woo Shik Sweat When Asked If They Watched Park Hyung Sik's New Drama

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actors Park Seo Jun and Choi Woo Shik were seen sweating when they were asked if they watched their close friend another actor Park Hyung Sik's latest work. 

On January 30, producer Na Young-seok went live on YouTube with the leads of JTBC's drama 'Doctor Slump' Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye. 

Before officially beginning their talk, Na Young-seok said, "Actually, a group of people have come to join our live broadcast for a bit. You guys will probably be very surprised when you see them. Please welcome Seo Jun and Woo Shik, everyone!" 

Then, Park Seo Jun and Choi Woo Shik walked in to the studio, joining Na Young-seok, Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye. 

The three warmly welcomed them, and Park Seo Jun and Choi Woo Shik waved to the camera, smiling. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After saying hi to each other, Na Young-seok asked, "You know that we're here to talk about 'Doctor Slump' today, right? What did you think of 'Doctor Slump'?  

Choi Woo Shik answered, "Hyung Sik showed us some videos and photos from the shooting when he was busy filming the drama, and I couldn't help but notice how great Hyung Sik looked. This project really seemed to bring out Hyung Sik's handsomeness."

Na Young-seok commented, "I mean, don't we all know that Hyung Sik's good-looking? Tell us what you thought about the story." 

Choi Woo Shik hesitated to give a prompt response to his comment; he then said, "Umm... I've been so hectic lately, and..."

To this, Park Hyung Sik playfully told him to go and watch his new series out of the studio, and Choi Woo Shik rushed out the door. 

As Choi Woo Shik was absent, all eyes turned to Park Seo Jun; he also could not give them the answer they wanted to hear. 

Park Seo Jun stated, "I... I really... Oh, someone's calling me now. Let me get this," avoiding the talk; both of their responses made all laugh. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When Choi Woo Shik returned, Park Seo Jun and Choi Woo Shik told the viewers, "'Doctor Slump' is a fun drama, so definitely check it out! We have to go now, but we'll see you again soon. Bye," then left. 

After they were gone, Park Hyung Sik said, "It was nice to see them, because it's hard for us to find time to see each other much."  

Then, Na Young-seok explained why they had come in the first place, then left quickly, "Seo Jun and Woo Shik were here for Seo Jin's birthday dinner earlier. After dinner, they just stood around for a while to see Hyung Sik. What amazing friends!" 

(Credit= 'channel fullmoon' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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