SBS Star

[SBS Star] "It Was 2 Years After We Broke Up and..." KyuHyun Recalls Seeing His Ex-Girlfriend on the Street

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

KyuHyun of K-pop boy group Super Junior thought back to the time when he saw his ex-girlfriend on the street. 

On January 9, singer Sung Si-kyung released a new episode of his YouTube show featuring KyuHyun. 

In this video, Sung Si-kyung and KyuHyun were seen drinking together while speaking about their lives. 

Out of many topics that KyuHyun touched upon, one was his past dating life; this was one of the rare times he publicly spoke about his ex-girlfriend. 

And KyuHyun told Sung Si-kyung an interesting story involving his ex-girlfriend. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

KyuHyun said, "This was some time ago. I got stuck in traffic one day. At that time, I was sitting at the back of my van. There, I was just looking out the window. And I happened to see my ex-girlfriend then." 

The K-pop star resumed, "Basically, there was a steep street next to my van, and my ex-girlfriend and her friend were walking up the street toward where I was. To my surprise, they stopped right next to my van and started discussing where they should go." 

He went on, "I know, it may even sound like I'm lying. But I'm honestly not lying right now. We were only a window away from each other. I could totally speak to her if I rolled down my window. Crazy, right?" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Sung Si-kyung was eager to know what he did next; he told him to hurry up and continue telling the story.

So, KyuHyun quickly began again, "At that time, everything was over between us. It had been about two years since we broke up, and I no longer had feelings for her. So, I actually felt kind of excited to see her." 

He added, "But I wasn't sure if it was right for me to say hi to her. I had about 10 to 15 seconds to make my decision, but I just couldn't roll my window down until we started moving again. As I was leaving that place, I was like, 'What kind of destiny is this?'" 

To this, Sung Si-kyung commented, "Ah, yeah. It probably would've been the same for me. I wouldn't have been able to open the window as well." 

(Credit= '성시경 SUNG SI KYUNG' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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