SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: NewJeans HYEIN Is on Bad Terms with DANIELLE & HANNI?

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop girl group NewJeans' member HYEIN clarified that she is not on bad terms with her group members DANIELLE and HANNI. 

Back in October, rumors started circulating that HYEIN was not on such good terms with DANIELLE and HANNI. 

It was after a live broadcast featuring the three of them that the rumors surfaced. 

In this live broadcast, the two Australian members DANIELLE and HANNI were seen close together, speaking with each other in English. 

HYEIN looked at them with a straight face for a bit, then said to the camera, "I can't understand a thing. I'm leaving." 

Hearing her words, DANIELLE and HANNI apologized and told her to stay, but HYEIN just left. 

This particular part of their live broadcast was uploaded online by a fan, and it immediately caught the attention of many.  

And recently, HYEIN spoke about the rumors during her solo live broadcast. 

HYEIN stated, "Everybody, there's something that I would like to clarify, as I don't want you to misunderstand anything about us. I happened to learn that there were rumors going around about me and the girls. We're not on bad terms at all." 

She continued, "I left at the time because I wanted to get my phone. I was just playing with them on my way to get my phone. I don't even remember what exactly I said to them. I didn't think what I said and how I acted would become such a hot topic online."

She emphasized that they do not have a bad relationship, "Please don't judge our relationship based on just a fraction of the time we spend together." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Debuted in July 2022, 5-member group NewJeans consist of three Korean members HYEIN, HAERIN, MINJI, one Korean-Australian member DANIELLE and one Vietnamese-Australian member HANNI. 

(Credit= Online Community, 'newjeans_official' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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