SBS Star

[SBS Star] '♥Kim Tae-hee' RAIN Proudly Shares that He Is Married to the Woman of His Dreams

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer RAIN subtly bragged that he is married to the woman of his dreams, actress Kim Tae-hee.

A new episode of RAIN's YouTube show was uploaded on December 21, where K-pop artist Kwon Eun Bi and singer KCM made guest appearances to have a Christmas party with RAIN.

After doing some fun activities, the three played a 'balance game', where one must choose between two hypothetical situations.

They had to choose between going out on a date with the man/woman of their dreams or taking a lucrative performance opportunity, offering them a hundred million won, both on Christmas.

KCM's immediate choice was the lucrative event, while Kwon Eun Bi chose a date with the man of her dreams.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, RAIN smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I already have both.", subtly hinting that his wife, Kim Tae-hee, is the woman of his dreams; KCM jokingly exclaimed, "You're so annoying.", creating a humorous moment.

To Kwon Eun Bi admiringly asking, "Wow, what does it feel like to have it all?", RAIN hesitated for a while before saying, "I'll tell you later."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When the three started discussing their ideal types, Kwon Eun Bi said she likes guys with soft and tender appearances.

RAIN asked her, "What if there is someone whose appearance doesn't match your ideal type, but you connect with them on so many levels and really like being with them?"

Kwon Eun Bi replied, "I would prefer that kind of person over my ideal type. How well someone connects with me is more important than how they look. The fascination for beauty doesn't last very long."

Then RAIN said, "Well, I found it to be quite long-lasting. Beauty does matter.", subtly mentioning his marriage to Kim Tae-hee, one of the most beautiful actresses in Korea.

"I envy you the most! It must be nice. How does it feel?", Kwon Eun Bi said, indirectly asking RAIN what it is like to be married to the woman of his dreams.

RAIN said calmly, "Appearances do matter. I'll leave it at that."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, RAIN and Kim Tae-hee got married in January 2017.

(Credit= '시즌비시즌 Season B Season' YouTube, SBS Entertainment News/Baik Seung-chul)

(SBS Star)

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