SBS Star

[SBS Star] Park Kyung-rim Says She Pretended to Be Married to Zo In Sung When She Studied in NYC

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Entertainer Park Kyung-rim shared that she pretended to be married to actor Zo In Sung when she was studying in New York City, the United States. 

On December 7, a small part of an upcoming episode of tvN's television show 'Unexpected Business 3' was unveiled online. 

In this video, Park Kyung-rim, Zo In Sung, actors Cha Tae Hyun, Han Hyo Joo and Lim Ju Hwan were sitting around a table for a late-night talk. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During their conversation, Park Kyung-rim recalled her past days as an international student in New York City. 

Park Kyung-rim told them, "When I was in NYC, I was really young. I was scared of strangers coming up to me and asking me questions. So, I used to show them pictures from 'New Nonstop', specifically of my wedding photos with In Sung as the groom, to get rid of them." 

She explained, "That was just my way of protecting myself from unwanted attention. Our wedding photos were very useful in the States, In Sung."; her funny story made everybody burst into laughter. 

Then, Han Hyo Joo asked why she had suddenly left Korea when her popularity was skyrocketing. 

Park Kyung-rim said, "Studying in NYC was something that I've wanted to do for a long time. So, it's always been my plan to study in NYC after college. I stuck with my original plan, that's all."  

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After that, Park Kyung-rim laughingly shared that Cha Tae Hyun once made a prank call to her dorm then. 

"One day, I got a call from Korea that said, 'Hey, Kyung-rim. I'm a producer, and I directly called you because it was urgent. I'm about to produce a commercial, and it's just perfect for you. I want you in it than anybody else. But how much do you usually get paid for your commercials?' It was too out of the blue, so I told him, 'I think you should speak to my agency first.' But he insisted that we sign the deal right at that moment." 

"So, I asked, 'I need to know what kind of commercial it is though. Could you tell me what it is?' He told me that it was a lunch box bomb commercial; he wanted me to hold a bomb while having lunch or something. His idea was insane. He explained that he chose me as my square face looked like a lunch box as well. I fumed at that point." 

"That producer turned out to be Tae Hyun. That was one crazy prank," she laughed as she turned to Cha Tae Hyun. 

Laughing uncontrollably, Cha Tae Hyun responded, "Oh my...! Yeah, I totally remember that. I was really into pulling a prank like that back then." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= 'zoinsung_official' Instagram, MBC New Nonstop, tvN Unexpected Business 3) 

(SBS Star)

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