SBS Star

[SBS Star] Jun Jong Seo Tells What Bothered Her When Working with Her Boyfriend Lee Chung-hyun

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Jun Jong Seo opened up about her relationship with her boyfriend, director Lee Chung-hyun.

Jun Jong Seo appeared on the December 3 episode of a YouTube show called 'Psick Univ' hosted by comedians Jung Jae-hyung, Lee Yong-ju, and Kim Min-su.

As Lee Yong-ju mentioned that Jun Jong Seo is dating a "really fine guy", the actress started talking about what it has been like dating Lee Chung-hyun.

She said, "You can ask me anything.", adding that she and Lee Chung-hyun had been dating each other for years and that they did not try to hide it from the start because there was no reason to.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When one of the hosts asked, "Then, which of you guys did the 'gobaek'? (Korean expression for expressing romantic feelings toward another person with the goal of beginning a romantic relationship), Jun Jong Seo responded, "He didn't do it."

Her answer took the hosts aback; they expressed their surprise with comments like, "Then you guys aren't properly dating!", "It's like being married without a proposal!"

"But isn't it just a Korean thing?", Jun Jong Seo replied and said, "I always ask him, 'Why didn't you do the 'gobaek'?', though. Then he's like, 'Oh, right. I didn't.'."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Jun Jong Seo starred in two of Lee Chung-hyun's movies, 'The Call' (2020) and 'Ballerina' (2023).

About how they started dating, Jun Jong Seo said, "We did 'The Call' together and then started dating. A year into our relationship, we had this connection, so we did a movie called 'Ballerina' together.", and added that they did not have to talk much while filming the film because they already knew each other so well.

Jun Jong Seo then said something Lee Chung-hyun does on the set bothers her: "I don't like it when he calls me by my name on the set. Whenever he does that, I ask him, 'Can you not call me like that?'.", she said, explaining that directors usually add 'actor-nim' after the actors' names when calling them on the set.

"But he doesn't care about this kind of thing.", she added.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When asked if they fought a lot when filming together, Jun Jong Seo said they rarely did while on the set because they were "really exhausted all the time". 

She then admitted that they tend to have a lot of arguments during their time off, like any other couple.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= '피식대학Psick Univ' YouTube, Netflix Korea)

(SBS Star)

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