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[SBS Star] Kim Tae-heon Spills Park Hyung Sik·Hwang Kwang Hee·Yim Siwan's Texts After Revealing Difficulty

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group ZE:A's rapper Kim Tae-heon shared that he received heartwarming messages from the group's members following his recent financial difficulty reveal. 

On November 17, Kim Tae-heon gave an update on his life through one YouTube channel for the first time after his interview with the channel in July. 

Back in July, Kim Tae-heon confessed to his extreme life struggles; financially, in particular. 

At the time, Kim Tae-heon said that he works at a distribution center; he moves boxes for eight straight hours, six days a week, "I start my work at one in the morning, then wrap up the day at nine o'clock. It's really physically demanding. I got bruises everywhere and skin irritation around my body due to sweating so much." 

"640,000 won (approximately 500 dollars) is about how much I make in a week. With that, I've got to cover everything from my rent, electricity, gas, water, mobile phone, internet and so on. I ride a bicycle to work even in heavy rain because I have no money for nighttime taxi rides." 

"About two years ago, I worked at a construction site. My gas got cut off then, because I couldn't pay my bills. I only had about 1,200 won (approximately a dollar) in cash and none in my bank account." 

Kim Tae-heon added that his father passed away when he was eight years old, and his mother when he was in high school, so he could not get any help from them. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

In his recent interview, Kim Tae-heon informed everyone that he is doing better these days. 

Looking a lot happier, Kim Tae-heon stated, "I work at a kimchi jjigae franchise now. I no longer suffer from skin irritation. That's completely gone. Including my base salary and bonus, I make about 5 million won (approximately 3,850 dollars) a month. That's about twice the amount I made before." 

He went on, "The restaurant is doing really well, so I get a good amount of bonus. I'm always super busy at the restaurant, but I feel like I can finally breathe. After my interview this summer, I received tons of support from all over the world. I honestly can't thank everyone enough for that." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Kim Tae-heon mentioned also receiving words of support from the members of ZE:A after his last interview. 

"They all sent me supportive messages. Park Hyung Sik messaged me, asking if I was alright. I told him that I was sorry for being a hyung who couldn't make him proud. His reply was, 'No, don't say that. You're the most awesome person in the world.'" 

"Hwang Kwang Hee and Yim Siwan apparently cried while watching my interview. They told me that their hearts broke seeing me go through a hard time. Hwang Kwang Hee called me and said, 'I could tell that you worried about burdening us in any way by doing the interview, but I want to tell you that none of us felt that way. We're happy that you're doing well. And I personally want to thank you for staying positive.'" 

"I got invited to Yim Siwan's movie in September as well. As it had been ages since the last time I stood in front of a bunch of cameras like that, it felt very awkward," he added with an awkward laugh. 

(Credit= '근황올림픽' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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