SBS Star

[SBS Star] CHUNG HA Thanks Jay Park for Helping Her When She Was Suffering Extreme Burnout

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist CHUNG HA thanked the head of her management agency Jay Park for helping her through the times when she was experiencing burnout. 

On November 18 episode of MBC's television show 'Point of Omniscient Interfere', Jay Park and CHUNG HA, the newest artist at his agency MORE VISION, were seen having a conversation together. 

During their talk, Jay Park mentioned how much CHUNG HA's new profile photos were talked about online, "Everybody was talking about it. Seriously. A lot of them were like, 'Her style has completely changed as soon as she moved to a different agency.' It seemed like they said it in a good way." 

CHUNG HA replied, "Yeah, I'm aware of that. Actually, there's always been some sort of connection between me and your agency. Before I joined, I once asked my fans which agency they wanted me to join, and MORE VISION was the most recommended one out of all." 

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오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Jay Park revealed why he wanted CHUNG HA to be part of his agency, "I happened to watch some of your past videos, and ever since you made your debut, you had this spirit that no other rookie K-pop stars had. You knew how to dominate the stage, and that impressed me." 

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He continued, "You're also an amazing performer, so I thought you and I could both be able to learn from each other. That's why I asked you to join my agency." 

Nodding, CHUNG HA said, "You know how I was experiencing serious burnout, right? If it weren't for you, it's likely that I wouldn't even be in Korea right now. I probably would have enrolled at a school in another country." 

She resumed, "You gave me great advice when I was going through difficult times. You also checked on my feelings every now and then. No one else worried about me or talked to me as much, even after I told them how I felt. I thank you for that." 

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CHUNG HA left her 7-year agency MNH Entertainment this March, and joined MORE VISION in October. 

(Credit= MBC Point of Omniscient Interfere) 

(SBS Star)

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