SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: SUNMI Says She Is Afraid that Her Guy Friends Will Love Her

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Soloist SUNMI revealed that the main reason she has no guy friends is that she is afraid that they will love her.

On October 15, SUNMI guested on a popular YouTube show 'Psick Show'. 

When SUNMI walked into the studio, the hosts introduced her to the viewers as "a K-pop artist who surprisingly hasn't been involved in any scandals up until now".  

Then, they curiously asked, "You've been part of the K-pop industry for as long as 17 years. Seriously though, how is it possible that you've had no scandals up to now? What's your secret?" 

Laughing, SUNMI answered, "Well... I don't have a driver's license. I don't drink or go out much at all. I don't have many friends either. The closest friends I have are my managers, stylists and J.Y. Park." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Surprised by the fact that J.Y. Park is one of her closest friends, they asked, "What do you usually do when you meet up with J.Y. Park?" 

SUNMI answered, "We usually film dance challenge videos. J.Y. Park also always tells me things like, 'If you ever start seeing anyone, you have to introduce him to me. I have to check what kind of person he is myself.'" 

The hosts commented, "Oh, that's pretty cool. Speaking of guys, what type of guys do you find attractive? Do you have any preferences?"

SUNMI went into thinking mode, not being able to provide her answer to their questions right away. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After a long silence, the K-pop star opened her mouth and said, "It takes me long to think of the type of guys I like since I don't have any guy friends." 

As to why she has no guy friends, SUNMI gave an interesting explanation, "If I had a guy friend, I would probably just think that he's a very good friend. But I feel like they won't think the same way as I do." 

She continued, "They might consider our friendship a gateway to starting something with me. For them, our friendship may be a great opportunity to make something happen with me. In short, they might love me. That's why I have no guy friends."  

(Credit= '피식대학Psick Univ' YouTube)

(SBS Star)

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