SBS Star

[SBS Star] The Actress Who Kim Hieora & Lee A-jin Allegedly Harassed Online Speaks out

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Theater actress Jung Woo Yeon, the target of the alleged online harassment by actresses Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin, has clarified the issue.

On September 7, Jung Woo Yeon responded to an online user claiming that Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin harassed theater actress Z by repeatedly leaving 'pregnancy comments' during her live stream.

It was said that when some viewers reported those comments, they were able to find out that Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin had written them.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Jung Woo Yeon, the theater actress Z, said that while it is true that Kim Hieora and Lee A-jin left her those comments, she did not take them as harassment.

"Once I realized what was happening, I was shocked. I'm belatedly writing this because there seems to be growing confusion among many people who are concerned about this issue.", Jung Woo Yeon wrote.

Jung Woo Yeon said she did not understand the 'questions sticker' feature too well, and that is why this situation happened.

"At that time, I saw a comment saying that I could check the questions that were submitted to my 'questions sticker' during the live stream. I popped open the box and as a result, all the questions I received from the 'questions sticker' were publicly displayed. (I should mention that the leaked questions were not received in real-time. Those were received ahead of the broadcast.)"

"Not realizing that the viewers saw all those questions, I went on about the live stream, without mentioning the 'pregnancy comments'.", she explained.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

"At the actual time I received and checked those 'pregnancy comments', I wasn't offended by it since Kim Hieora, Lee A-jin, and I had been discussing the topic a lot around that time. I thought of it as a natural extension of our previous conversations. I would like to stress that they didn't mean any harm by their remarks."

"I would have clarified right away if I'd known that the viewers were able to see those comments during the live stream. Since I didn't catch what was going on during the broadcast, I feel responsible for making matters worse."

"I and the mentioned actresses talked about this issue. Now I hope there will be no misunderstandings about it. Thank you for worrying so much for me.", she concluded.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

On September 7, Lee A-jin also spoke on this issue on her Instagram account.

She explained that she and her acquaintances, including Kim Hieora and Jung Woo Yeon, talked about future plans for starting families at a gathering a few days before the mentioned live stream.

"In 2021, we gathered to celebrate our colleague, Y's impending marriage and heard about her plans for having children. Jung Woo Yeon said she, too, wishes to start a happy family, and that she would love to have a child sometime in 2024, three years away from then."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

"A couple of days after our talk, Jung Woo Yeon posted a 'questions sticker' on her Instagram story. I left one question asking if she was planning to get pregnant in 2024, thinking that only she could read it. And Jung Woo Yeon replied privately."

"I fully understand that my comment was misleading when taken out of context. I was wrong to bring up details of her private life on such a public platform without considering it could be seen by others. But I hope people will understand that I never intended to hurt Jung Woo Yeon's feelings or to openly mention her personal life.", she wrote.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= 'tenderlumiere' 'leeajinish' 'hereare0318' Instagram, Online Community)

(SBS Star)

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