SBS Star

[SBS Star] SOYOU Speaks About a Dating Disaster with Her Celebrity Boyfriend

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist SOYOU mentioned a disaster she experienced while on a date with her celebrity borfriend. 

On August 15, JTBC's talk show 'Dangpo' aired an episode featuring SOYOU as their guest. 

While on the topic of relationships, SOYOU said, "It's been long since the last time I was in a relationship. I think it's been this long, because I don't really go out of my house and meet people. I'm a total homebody, like for real." 

She continued, "I do go surfing every now and then, but all the guys in our surfing club are married. They're always telling me things like, 'You know, so many guys around me find you attractive.', but they've never once brought those guys along with them to our gathering.", then bitterly smiled. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, SOYOU spilled some details regarding her past romance, "I dated this guy before, and he was in the same industry as I am."

"One day, we headed to the beach in Incheon together. We wanted to go to an area with nobody around, so we drove further and further in. When we got there, we talked in the car until the sun came up. As we were trying to leave though, we realized that our car got stuck in sand; the darkness had prevented us from seeing what was going on outside our car, our tires in particular."  

"But we were both publicly well-known, and we didn't want the world to know about our relationship, which meant that we couldn't call for any help. What we did was to dug out the tires using our shoes and repeatedly push the car from the back. After doing that for ages, we were finally able to get the car out of sand." 

She ended her story with a big laugh, "At that time, I couldn't stop thinking, 'What on earth am I doing right now?'"

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

At the end of the topic, SOYOU also revealed that she has no intention of getting married, although she did not give a specific reason why. 

The K-pop star stated, "I used to want to get married. I dreamed of becoming a good wife and wise mother, wanting three children. But that's all gone now. I don't want to get married anymore."

(Credit= JTBC Dangpo) 

(SBS Star)

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