SBS Star

[SBS Star] 'Lee Byung Hun ♥' Lee Min-jung Pregnant with Their Second Child

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Lee Min-jung and actor Lee Byung Hun are expecting their second child. 

On August 4, media outlet News1 reported that Lee Min-jung was currently pregnant. 

Lee Min-jung and Lee Byung Hun married each other in August 2013. 

In less than two years, Lee Min-jung gave birth to the first child 'Jun-hoo' in March 2015; it is her first pregnancy in eight years. 

It was not revealed when the due date is, but 'Jun-hoo' will certainly become a big brother quite soon. 

Not so long after the release of this report, Lee Min-jung's management agency MSteam Entertainment confirmed her pregnancy. 

The agency stated, "It is true that Lee Min-jung is pregnant with the couple's second child. Both Lee Min-jung and Lee Byung Hun are jumping for joy at the moment, since this was something that they very much wanted." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Back in January, Lee Min-jung made her big screen comeback in about 10 years with a movie 'Switch'. She was recently seen on ENA's television show 'Oh Eun-young Game' as one of the hosts as well.

According to the report, Lee Min-jung is on her career break at the moment; she plans on taking some time off work for the time being, focusing herself on taking care of herself as well as the baby. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During one interview in 2020, Lee Min-jung described how great of a father Lee Byung Hun is, "I've been very busy with filming lately, but thankfully, the shooting for my husband's film was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And he has been the best father for 'Jun-hoo'." 

He continued, "Our son's really into playing with a ball, and Byung Hun spent a lot of time playing with him. Together, they even came to visit me on site. Byung Hun is taking such great care of him when I'm the busiest." 

Now that another member will be added to this loving family, fans across the globe are busy sending congratulatory messages to them. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= MS Team Entertainment, SBS Entertainment News) 

(SBS Star)

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