SBS Star

[SBS Star] Lee Sun Kyun Shares an Incident that Might Have Cost Him His Role in 'Parasite'

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Lee Sun Kyun, star of the massively successful film, 'Parasite', opened up about an incident that might have cost him his role in the movie.

Lee Sun Kyun and director Jang Hang-jun talked about behind-the-scene stories of each of their works in the July 23 episode of a YouTube show.

Jang Hang-jun praised Lee Sun Kyun for performing in unconventional films, such as director Bong Joon-ho's smash hit 'Parasite'.

Lee Sun Kyun said taking part in 'Parasite' felt like tagging along on a perfect package tour.

"That was incredible. I kept asking myself, 'Really? Am I really in Bong Joon-ho's work?'. I was deliriously happy.", he recalled.

Lee Sun Kyun remembered the overwhelming moment of being cast in the film by Bong Joon-ho, the very director of the movie he loves, 'Memories of Murder'.

"A staff member who was close with Bong Joon-ho told me that the director asked about me. I didn't want to jinx it by telling anyone, so I kept it to myself. I told no one, not even my wife."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

"One day, I was contacted by Bong Joon-ho and the film's lead actor, Song Kang Ho. The only thing I was told about the character was that it is a story about two families, one rich and one poor, and I was supposed to be the father of the rich one. I wanted the part so bad. When Bong Joon-ho told me he wants me in the movie, but I looked a little young to play the character, I told him right away, 'Look at my hair. You see how many of them turned gray?'.", said the actor, expressing how desperately he wanted the part.

According to Lee Sun Kyun, though, he may not have been able to star in 'Parasite'.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

He recalled an incident that happened on the same day that he had been cast in the film.

"I got cast in the movie while out drinking with Bong Joon-ho and Song Kang Ho. Song Kang Ho asked me to call my wife, actress Jeon Hye-jin over to celebrate together, so we four started drinking together.", said Lee Sun Kyun.

"After a while, only my wife, Song Kang Ho, and I were left, and we decided to go to another place for more drinks. We were drinking, and a group of young adults, maybe in their twenties, were sitting next to us, all seemed a little drunk. It was after Song Kang Ho sat on his seat when those people next to us became a little aggressive. They started saying stuff to him that really bothered all of us.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

"My manager insisted that we should just leave to stay out of trouble. After getting into the car, I remembered that I'd left my phone in the bar. The manager went in there and got surrounded by that group of twenties. They were mad at us for taking off when, from their point of view, they had not done anything to us. Jeon Hye-jin told me to stay in the car, but how could I? I went back in and told them to step aside."

The actor might have lost his role in 'Parasite' if the situation developed into a big fight that made headlines.

Lee Sun Kyun said he was brought to his senses before it was too late, thanks to his wife Jeon Hye-jin.

"My wife opened the car door and shouted, 'Get in! Bong Joon-ho!'."

"She knew how much I wanted to work with Bong Joon-ho, so she tried to remind me what was at risk that night.", said Lee Sun Kyun, and Jang Hang-jun agreed, saying, "Yes! She was trying to keep you out of trouble!"

Apparently, her shouting worked.

"It really did make me come to my senses.", Lee Sun Kyun commented.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= '이응디귿디귿' YouTube, CJ ENM)

(SBS Star)

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