SBS Star

[SBS Star] Former WINNER Nam Tae Hyun Says His Drug Use Led to 500-Million-Won Debt

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist Nam Tae Hyun admitted to his past drug addiction, and explained how that led to mountainous debt.  

On July 14, the production team of KBS' documentary 'In Depth 60 Minutes' released a part of Nam Tae Hyun's interview ahead of their broadcast later in the day featuring an episode about the rise of drug use in Korea, alongside his full interview. 

The interview took place at one rehabilitation center in Incheon, where Nam Tae Hyun recently checked himself in. 

According to Nam Tae Hyun, he began using drugs from the time he took diet pills, which were also classified as narcotics, after entering this industry. 

As he worked in the industry, he explained that he had to take sleeping pills due to his insomnia as well. 

Even though he started by taking pharmaceutical drugs, he said that opened the path to taking illegal drugs.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Additionally, Nam Tae Hyun discussed how his drug addiction ultimately had an impact on his financial situation.

By the end of his life as a drug addict, Nam Tae Hyun had as much as 500 million won (approximately 395,000 dollars) of debt. 

Nam Tae Hyun stated, "Not only do I have to sell my house now, but also my parents' home to pay some of the debt off. They're going to be on the market soon. I'm also planning on getting a part-time job at a restaurant to continue paying it off." 

He added, "I have already sold every valuable thing I own, except my guitar, which is a cherished item holding sentimental values that can't be traded with anything." 

During the interview, he said to have continuously received messages urging that he pay his debt. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Nam Tae Hyun stated that the use of drugs ruined him mentally as well as physically that people around him left him one by one; it was out of desperation he entered the rehabilitation center. 

Toward the end of his interview, he noted one should always say 'no' to drugs, saying, "I especially want to share my words to teenagers. Don't ever get involved with drugs. Don't even be interested in it. It's something that will ruin your life." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Nam Tae Hyun was a member of K-pop boy group WINNER from 2014 to 2016. 

Following his departure from the group, he formed his own band South Club; he was the band's vocalist. 

Back in May, the police sought arrest warrants for Nae Tae Hyun and reality show star Seo Min-jae over alleged illegal drug use.

(Credit= KBS In Depth 60 Minutes, 'souththth' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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