SBS Star

[SBS Star] Song Ji-hyo's Attorney Says Her Agency Failed to Meet the Payment Deadline Again

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

It has been revealed that actress Song Ji-hyo's agency once again failed to meet the deadline for her outstanding payment. 

Back on May 2, Song Ji-hyo filed a lawsuit against her agency Uzurocks, claiming that the company had agreed to pay her outstanding payment by May 1, but ultimately failed to pay her until the deadline. 

Song Ji-hyo's attorney stated, "It's not the first time the company promised Song Ji-hyo that they would pay her, but ended up not paying her. This time, they promised to pay her by May 1, then later contacted us, saying that they wanted to move the date. They keep postponing paying her without any valid reason or explanation. We've had enough of that." 

The later-released reports explained that Song Ji-hyo's agency owed her in total of 984 million won (approximately 750,000 dollars). 

Thankfully, Song Ji-hyo's appearance in movies, dramas and television shows was paid on time; it was her payment for commercials since last October that she did not get paid for.  

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

The latest update about Song Ji-hyo and Uzurocks was given by her attorney on June 27, "Uzurocks told us that they would pay her the outstanding payment by June 25, but they broke their promise again. Two days have passed already, but they haven't reached us in any ways either." 

"Apparently, Uzurocks released an official statement saying that they were going to sort all their financial problems out by June 30. However, we didn't this message personally. They didn't message or call us about it. We read about it online as well." 

"As far as we know, they were to pay Song Ji-hyo by the 25th. The fact that they're not explaining their situation to us or asking for postponement not only baffles us, but also makes us angry.", the attorney furiously added.  

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Uzurocks said to have failed to pay their artists on time, including Song Ji-hyo, Ji Suk-jin and more, and also numerous employees. 

Previously, it was reported that Song Ji-hyo and Ji Suk-jin have been paying their staff members' wages out of their own pockets. 

(Credit= 'my_songjihyo' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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