SBS Star

[SBS Star] 'Haha Bus' Producer Has Never Seen a Sweet Celebrity Couple like HAHA ♥ Byul?

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

'Haha Bus' producer Park Jin-young shared that she has never seen such a lovely celebrity couple like HAHA and Byul. 

On June 24, Park Jin-young sat down for an interview to tell how she feels about wrapping up the first season of ENA's television show 'Haha Bus' featuring HAHA and Byul's family. 

Regarding HAHA and Byul, Park Jin-young smiled and said, "I've seen a lot of celebrity couples in my life, but I've never seen any couple like HAHA and Byul before. They seemed so close and affectionate. HAHA and Byul were always together on site, and I've witnessed HAHA giving Byul a shoulder massage during a break and stuff."

"Whenever HAHA saw something, he would tell Byul, 'Let's go there together soon.', 'Let's do that together in the future.' It was really sweet to see them like that. They're such a lovely couple." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Park Jin-young described what kind of father HAHA is, "I wouldn't say HAHA was the typical celebrity dad that I've seen. I initially wanted to get the serious side of HAHA on tape, but he just wasn't that kind of dad. He was super playful and fun." 

She continued, "He would play with the children, and talk to them as if he was their good friend. After filming the second episode, I realized that was his way of parenting. I believe, because of that, his children love him that much, and are comfortable to be around him." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Afterward, the producer praised Byul's parenting to the skies, "I found Byul's parenting fascinating. She is able to speak to them rationally, and get them to think in a rational manner. One time, Song begged to go on a ship, crying her eyes out. We wanted to ask the captain and get her on board, but Byul took her somewhere quiet for a talk for a bit." 

"As their conversation went on, I could tell that Song had calmed herself down. I was impressed. I think they have all grown up to be good children all thanks to Byul.", she added. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

HAHA and Byul married each other in 2012, and their first son Dream was born the year after.

Then, they had a second son Soul in 2017, and first daughter Song in 2019. 

(Credit= 'quanhaha79' 'sweetstar0001' Instagram, ENA Haha Bus)

(SBS Star)

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