SBS Star

[SBS Star] Yoon Bock-hee Shares Keanu Reeves' Response to Geon-hoo Being His Lookalike

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer Yoon Bock-hee shared how Canadian actor Keanu Reeves responded to Geon-hoo, the first son of retired soccer player Park Joo-ho, being his lookalike. 

On June 20, KBS' reality show 'The Return of Superman' unveiled an episode that showed Park Joo-ho and his three children―Na-eun, Geon-hoo and Jin-woo―inviting Yoon Bock-hee to their home and spending time with her. 

Before Yoon Bock-hee went to their house, she told the production staff that she is a huge fan of Geon-hoo. 

She said, "I've been a fan of Na-eun, Geon-hoo and Jin-woo for like five and a half years. I especially love Geon-hoo. I've watched him on TV ever since he was six months old, and I don't think I've ever loved anyone like this before."

Blushing with shyness, she continued, "I'm nervous and excited about meeting them today. It almost feels like the time when I was going out to meet my boyfriend in my 20s. Actually, I think I'm more nervous and excited now. It's always been my wish to meet them. Thank you for inviting me.", then shrieked. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Yoon Bock-hee smiled as soon as she walked into their house and saw them in real life; she handed them some gifts that she brought with her. 

In return, they gave her necklaces of flowers as a token of welcome, as if she was in Hawaii. 

She appeared to be overjoyed, to be around the three children that she had been wanting to see for years. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

While speaking to Park Joo-ho, Yoon Bock-hee made him gasp in surprise by telling him an intriguing fact, "Today, I told Keanu Reeves that I was off to go see Geon-hoo, who looked just like him. Keanu and I are good friends. He told me to take as many photos as possible." 

As Yoon Bock-hee showed Park Joo-ho their conversation on social media, Park Joo-ho replied, "Whoa, so you weren't trying to fool me around or anything. Wow."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Recently, Geon-hoo's photos went viral online, because he looked exactly like Keanu Reeves during his early childhood days. 

(Credit= Red Eyes Entertainment, KBS The Return of Superman, Online Community) 

(SBS Star)

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