SBS Star

[SBS Star] "I Almost Went Bankrupt Because of Him" Amber Says She Was Gaslighted by Her Ex

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Amber of K-pop girl group f(x) spoke about being gaslighted by her ex-boyfriend. 

On June 7, Amber went live on Chinese video sharing platform Bilibili. 

Amber discussed 'love' and 'relationship' with her subscribers during this live broadcast. 

Amber started off the discussion by sharing that she had met a lot of bad guys, "I really have. They were all bad. I'm happy that I'm able to say this in the past tense though. I still haven't found anyone that I feel perfectly fits me." 

She continued speaking about her past love life, "Due to the nature of my work, I prefer not to make my relationship public. Unless... I feel one hundred percent sure about that person and feel like our relationship is stable enough. Actually, some of my ex-boyfriends didn't like the fact that we were secretly dating each other."  

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After responding to several comments in the live chat, Amber made a confession that instantly taken many subscribers aback. 

"Let me tell you about one of my ex-boyfriends. He was very manipulative. Later on, my friends told me that he had gaslighted me. I didn't realize that I was being gaslighted until they told me that I was." 

"He didn't even remember my birthday. He used me for money; I almost went bankrupt because of him. I went through a tough time then. Despite how poorly he treated me, I felt bad about telling him that I wanted to break up with him. He made me feel that way.", she paused for a little bit, then added, "Yeah... It really does seem like I was gaslighted by him, right?"  

"In fact, I made this story into a song. I talked about him in 'Don't Dance'. You know, 'Don't Dance' goes, 'All you want is my money and all my attention.' and so on. The song is about him.", then she laughed as if it was all over now and did not care anymore. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Wrapping up the talk, Amber said, "I'm kind of sick of being nice to everybody. Yes, I'm aware that I chose to be nice to them, but it's getting sick of it now.", but her conclusion was, "The thing is, I still want to be remembered as a nice person. I guess this is just how I am." 

(Credit= bilibili, 'amberliu' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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