SBS Star

[SBS Star] "It Was like Magic!" Park Seo Jun Talks About IU 'Performing a Miracle' in Hungary

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Park Seo Jun revealed that singer/actress IU 'performed a miracle' in Hungary's capital―Budapest. 

On April 13 episode of SBS POWER FM's radio show 'Cultwo Show', Park Seo Jun made a guest appearance along with two other actors Kim Jong Soo and Heo Jun-seok as part of promotion for their upcoming movie 'Dream'. 

About the female lead IU, who could not join them on this day, Park Seo Jun had only good things to say. 

Park Seo Jun said, "I've always been a huge fan of IU. She has so far shown incredible acting talent, so I had high hopes for her. IU didn't let me down at all; she inspired me to perform better as we co-starred in the movie. It was fun working with her." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Park Seo Jun mentioned them being in Budapest for a month for his shoot, and how IU magically changed everything there once she arrived in the city. 

The actor stated, "'Dream' portrays the lives of the Korean homeless national soccer team. Since we had a lot of scenes where we played against other nations, some of us, including myself, headed to Budapest earlier than IU. Budapest was well below freezing at the time of our arrival. The problem was, we couldn't wear anything else but a short-sleeve T-shirt for our shootings. We were icy-cold." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

"As soon as IU arrived in Budapest though, something magical happened. Immediately after she arrived, the temperature went up all of a sudden. It went above zero. It had suddenly become much warmer. It was a miracle!", he excitedly added. 

After expressing his deepest gratitude to IU with a big smile, he commented, "We had to wear a thick padded coat the whole time we were in Budapest prior to her arrival, but we didn't have to anymore following her coming. It really was like some kind of magic. We thanked IU for that until this day.", then chuckled. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

'Dream' is scheduled to hit the theaters in Korea on April 26. 

(Credit= HITEJINRO, SBS POWER FM Cultwo Show) 

(SBS Star)

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