SBS Star

[SBS Star] Jun Ji Hyun Meets Son Heung-min: Her Words Made Him Cover His Mouth

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Jun Ji Hyun and soccer player Son Heung-min had their first public encounter in London, the United Kingdom.

On February 20, at Burberry Fall 2023 Fashion Show held in London, a rare shot of the two stars lighted the room up with their presence.

It was a debut show of newly appointed creative designer of the brand.

With a beige trench coat and a belt tightly tied on the front, Jun Ji Hyun laid her long hair down.

Son Heung-min neatly matched pulled-back hair with a black turtleneck and trench coat.

Surrounded by outpouring requests from the reporters, shouting "Here!" "Last one!", they posed here and there, shifting their position from time to time.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, a rare interaction between the two stars was captured in a video.

Jun Ji Hyun's approach and Son Heung-min's genuine reaction toward her have been recorded, and widely shared on online communities.

"Thank you for your autograph." Jun Ji Hyun showed appreciation to the player with her smile, bowing with her hands put together.

Immediately, Son Heung-min pulled his hands out of his pocket and replied, "No, no, it is my pleasure.", bowing his head politely in return.

He shyly covered his mouth, but the action could not entirely cover his cute smile.

After, Jun Ji Hyun revealed that she is a fan, making Son Heung-min shy again. He replied, "Thank you so much. It's an honor."

Then respectful bowing parade went on, putting a smile on every face.

Jun Ji Hyun was appointed as a global ambassador of Burberry last September. Son heung-min signed his contract three months earlier, in June.

The two continuously smiled and posed in front of flashing cameras that day, interacting with other celebrities.

(Credit= 'Wkorea' Instagram, 'studio baf' Instagram, Online Community)

(SBS Star)

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