SBS Star

[SBS Star] HAHA ♥ Byul's Daughter Makes Everyone Laugh by Saying She Wants to Be 'Ham' in the Future

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer couple HAHA and Byul's daughter Song made everybody laugh by stating that it is her dream to become 'ham' in the future. 

A short while ago, Byul updated her YouTube channel with a short video titled, 'Song's dream has changed'. 

The video showed Byul asking Song what she wants to be in the future at two different times.

Eight months ago, Song was seen telling Byul that she wants to be 'rice' when she grows up. 

At that time, she specified that she wants to be 'white rice' as well, making Byul burst out laughing. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then recently, Byul asked Song the same question, "Song, you told me that it was your dream to become 'rice' in the future before, right? What do you want to be now?" 

Song thought for a moment, then said with a bright smile, "Ham!" 

After telling Byul that she wants to be 'ham', she turned away from Byul in shyness.

Byul laughed and asked, "Ham? You want to be ham now?", which Song answered, "Yeah, ham." 

Song excitedly waved her arms about in the air and said, "I want to be 'pink ham'! Yes, I'm going to become 'pink ham'!" 

Upon watching this video, fans left comments such as, "How cute!", "She went from rice to ham! LOOOOOL", "I can't stop laughing! She's way too cute!" and more. 

Born in July 2019, Song is the youngest member of HAHA and Byul's family. 

(Credit= 'sweetstar0001' Instagram, '별이 빛나는 튜브 Byulbitube' YouTube)  

(SBS Star)

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