SBS Star

[SBS Star] Byul Says She Is Trying to Arrange a Date for Kim Jong-kook, but His Standards Are Too High

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer Byul shared that she believes another singer Kim Jong-kook's standards are too high. 

On January 25 episode of KBS' television show 'Problem Child in House', Byul made a guest appearance. 

During her conversation with the show's hosts including Kim Jong-kook, Byul reminisced the moment when her husband HAHA told Kim Jong-kook about them being in a relationship and getting married for the first time. 

Byul said, "As you probably know, Jong-kook and HAHA are really close, and HAHA loves Jong-kook to bits. So, HAHA actually wanted to tell Jong-kook when he was dating me, and we had decided to get married, but he didn't tell anybody about us. He did that to protect me." 

The singer continued, "We were in a secret relationship until my father-in-law's 70th birthday party. All members of 'Running Man' were there, but nobody questioned why I was there too. They were just like, 'She must be close to HAHA.' They never guessed that we were dating each other." 

She went on, "HAHA broke the news to them during the party. He told them that we were getting married as well. I remember Jong-kook being super shocked.", then laughingly added, "Everybody there congratulated us, but Jong-kook didn't. He didn't congratulate us at all." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Kim Jong-kook commented, "I even dropped a spoon on the floor, because I was just too shocked. HAHA and I were 'single' brothers. He was someone that I could freely speak about being single and vice versa. But he was dating and getting married? That was too much for me at that time. I couldn't believe that I had lost my 'single' brother."  

Ever since then, Byul apparently has been looking for a match for Kim Jong-kook, "I thought to myself then, 'It would be so nice to go on a trip with Jong-kook and his wife. I should find him someone as soon as I can.' I've been looking for this girl for like years now, but no success. He turned it down every time. Every single woman in the industry came to my mind as Kim Jong-kook's potential girlfriend/wife at least for a second." 

Kim Jong-kook laughed and stated, "I don't like arranged dates. It's something that I really dislike being part of. That's why." 

Byul responded, "Ah, I think it's more like you have high standards. I'm always looking for her. I'm still searching for her these days.", making Kim Jong-kook sweat. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= KBS Problem Child in House) 

(SBS Star)

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