SBS Star

[SBS Star] Han Ga In Says She Realized that You Cannot Change People After Living with Yeon Jung Hoon

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Han Ga In shared she realized that people just cannot change after living with her husband actor Yeon Jung Hoon. 

On December 16 episode of JTBC's television show 'Best Days to Move' (literal translation), Han Ga In spoke about her married life with Yeon Jung Hoon. 

While Han Ga In and Shin Dong-yeop visited one newly-wed couple's home, Shin Dong-yeop asked Han Ga In if she used to fight with Yeon Jung Hoon a lot in the early days of their marriage. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Han Ga In answered, "Well, the thing is, our personalities don't really allow us to fight. After our newly-wed days past though, I realized that you should never try to fix someone, because they're not going to change, ever. I thought I could change him, but I was too arrogant back then. It's always like, 'Oh, maybe he will change for real this time.', but no, he always gets back to being himself in the end." 

She continued, "I honestly thought that I could change him, especially his eating habits. He only ate meat and no vegetables, so I tried my best to get him to eat vegetables and other good things. I even tried hiding vegetables in his food, but it didn't work. I completely failed at changing his eating habits." 

She went on, "It was also the case with his love for alcohol. Jung Hoon habitually says to me, 'If I drink alcohol one more time, then I'll change my family name.' I'm sure he's had all family names that could be found in Korea until now. Even if he uses foreign family names, there wouldn't be enough family names in the world for him.", then sighed. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

To this, Shin Dong-yeop responded, "Instead of trying to change him, you should try meeting him half way; make compromises with one another. There's not even enough time to be happy with each other. You will be living with him until you say goodbye to this world, and..." 

Han Ga In commented, "Ummm... You never know what's going to happen until the day of your death." 

Shin Dong-yeop laughed and said, "You got married at a young age, Ga In. I'm sure there is something good about getting married earlier, when you're young." 

Han Ga In just smiled for a while, unable to give her answer, then finally stated, "I've been thinking what the good things might be for the past 18 years, but I still haven't found them yet." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= JTBC Best Days to Move, SBS Entertainment News/Kim Hyun-chul) 

(SBS Star) 

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