SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: RAIN Does Not Like Wearing Matching Items with Kim Tae-hee?

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer RAIN revealed that he is not a fan of wearing matching items with his other half. 

On September 29, K-pop duo DAVICHI's member Kang Min-kyung featured in RAIN's new YouTube show 'RAIN's Kitchen'. 

While RAIN cooked, Kang Min-kyung sat in the corner of the kitchen. 

As she waited, she said, "Do I just stay like this? Is it okay if I work, in that case? Can you bring me my laptop? I've got lots of editing to do." 

To her comment, RAIN responded in surprise, "What? Do you edit your YouTube videos yourself? I'm truly amazed. What is there you can't do? You sing well, are fashionable and have great interior designing skills. You are pretty much good at everything, aren't you?" 

As Kang Min-kyung heard this, she said, "But you are good at singing, dancing and acting. You also have a beautiful wife. You have babies. And you have huge buildings. I'm nothing compared to you."  

RAIN laughed hard and stated, "Wow, you're good with your words today. It's like I don't know what to say to that." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When RAIN was cooking, he noticed a ring on Kang Min-kyung's finger and asked what it was.

With a big smile, Kang Min-kyung answered, "This is a matching ring with my fellow member Lee Hae-ri. Do you not have any matching things with your wife? Something like, a t-shirt that says 'My love' and another one that says 'My soul'." 

RAIN responded, "You know what I hate the most? It's couples wearing exactly the same t-shirt with each other. But I'll probably be okay if I wore my style of striped t-shirt and she wore her style of striped t-shirt or something."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Kang Min-kyung excitedly commented, "Oh, I suddenly came up with a great idea! Wouldn't it be amazing if you invited your wife over and cooked for her on your show like this? Just seeing the two of you having a meal together would make lots of people smile." 

She resumed, "I shouldn't be the first guest on your show. She should have been the first guest! If you get her to come, then that particular video will easily reach two million views. I can guarantee that." 

RAIN sweated as Kang Min-kyung kept going on about his wife actress Kim Tae-hee; he said, "By any chance, did my production team specifically asked you to say something like that to me?" 

Then, he quickly changed the subject, "Anyway! Anyway! Look at these intestines that I cooked for you. Don't they look so juicy and tasty? Try them now!" 

(Credit= 'Season B Season' YouTube, Coupang) 

(SBS Star)

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